Students in three 4th grade classrooms recently read an article in Time for Kids about the malaria problem in Africa. They decided to raise money for Nothing But Nets which for $10 will purchase nets for villages. They created posters to be placed around the school and also we on air with WPIN, Paine Intermediate News, to share their knowledge and concern. Through this broadcast, Sue Koch, gifted teacher, shared with the students that her daughter, Sarah, is currently in a village in Africa where she is experiencing the problem with malaria. She had to bike a 3 year old 10 km to a nearby medical unit who came down with malaria. Kristi Stacks, lab teacher, and I decided to use SKYPE to allow Sarah and the students to talk. One morning during WPIN, we SKYPED Sarah who was on a rare visit to the capital. The conversation was broadcast over the closed circuit morning show for all the students to hear. It was great! The quality of the call was perfect. We have made a movie about the project but it is still 11 minutes long. I will try to take a great clip and upload it to share. I can't wait to do more with SKYPE!!!
As a part of my professional learning plan, I chose to spend time learning about strategies for becoming a better leader. I have been in my current position for a few years, but feel that I can always grow as a leader. It was a harder transition than I thought it would be moving from a support role of District Integration Specialist to a manager roles as the Technology Coordinator. Early this month, I began reading the book Creating Magic, 10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies from a Life at Disney by Lee Cockerell . I have to admit that I first picked up this book last year, but was not focused enough to complete it. So, I got out my planner and mapped out a reading plan to read one chapter a night and take notes. I now wish I had scheduled to read a chapter every other night in order to take more time to reflect on the information. I may have missed a day or two, but am now back on track with the reading. I have been amazed at the simpli...