This week, I was gently pushed back into a resource I used a
few years ago that made a great impact on my learning and resources to share
with others – Twitter Chats. A twitter chat is a common time weekly,
monthly, or whenever scheduled that people with common interests meeting
online. There is a facilitator or two who asks questions and others
respond all within Twitter.
Here is a short video about Twitter Chat. The first time I
participated I was extremely overwhelmed with everyone tweeting at once, but
have since discovered TweetChat that lets
you get control of the chat. I got so many ideas and added people to my
network to learn from by following them on Twitter and face to face as the chat
I participated in on Monday was about Alabama Education, #Aledchat. Below
is a list of other live, regularly scheduled Twitter chats that you might be
interested. I have not attended all of these, but have found them through
recommendations online. The chats are 1 hour.
Every Monday @ 9:00 PM - #Aledchat, variety of topics that
Alabama educations want to talk about
Second Monday @ 7:00 PM - #TLChat, Teacher-Librarian
Fourth Monday @ 7:00 PM - #TLNewNight, Teacher- Librarian
News Night Chat
Every Monday @ 7:00 PM - #EdTechChat, Educational Technology
Every Monday @ 7:00 PM - #CollabED, Collaborative Education
Chat: Sharing and Learning Together
Every Monday @ 7:00 PM - #musedchat, Music Teachers Chat
Every Monday @ 7:30 PM - #PSCchat, Principal-School
Counselor Chat
Every Tuesday @ 5:00 PM - #MakerED, Maker Education Chat
Every Tuesday @ 7:00 PM - #PBLChat, Project-Based Learning
Every Tuesday @ 7:00 PM - #2ndaryELA, ELA char for Grades
7-12 teachers
First Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM - #ASCDL2L, ASCD Leader to Leader
Every Tuesday @ 8:00 PM - #gafechat, Google Apps for
Education Chat
Every Tuesday @ 8:00 PM - #spedchat, Special Education Chat
Every Wednesday @ 3:00 PM - #EduCoach, Eudcational Coaching
Every Wednesday @ 10: AM - #specialedchat, Special Education
Every Wednesday @ 7:00 PM - #atchat, Assistive Technologies
Every Wednesday @ 7:00 - #BigBeacon, Engineering and STEM
Education Chat
First and Third Wednesdays @ 7:00 PM - #ntchat, New Teachers
Every Wednesday @ 7:00 PM - #suptchat, Superintendent’s Chat
Every Thursday @ 8:00 PM - #Flipped PD, Flipping
Professional Development
First Thursdays @ 8:00 PM - #geniushour, Genius Hour Chat
Every Friday @ 10:00 AM - #EdBookTalk, Educational Book Chat
Every Friday @ 6:00 PM - #gtchat, Gifted and Talented Chat
Every Sunday @ 7:00 PM - #apchat, Assistant Principal’s Chat
Want to find out if there is a chat for say 4th
grade math teachers or Physics teachers? Just Google it.
The learning doesn’t end when the Twitter chat is over, stay
connected by following those who have interesting things to say and share to
view later on Twitter. Here is a screenshot of my Tweetdeck that I use to
view who I follow and three specific hashtags - #aledchat, @altechcoach and